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[SCM] Debian package checker branch, master, updated. 2.2.18-33-g3cfd89c

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit e21a76d1f27c74b028e816c55786f5e0b306a675
Author: Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org>
Date:   Wed Dec 23 16:16:01 2009 -0800

    Rework private/transtats to just show tag statistics
    The translation of all tags into severity/certainty is done, so we don't
    need the part that checks that, but it's still useful to have statistics
    for tag classification.  Rename private/transtats to private/tag-stats
    and retain only those portions.  Fix a few bugs in the process and sort
    the tag and collection lists.

diff --git a/private/tag-stats b/private/tag-stats
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4d2b3d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/tag-stats
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# tag-stats - tag classification statistics
+# This script displays statistics and data for tag classification based on
+# Severity/Certainty headers and their mapping to a E/W/I code.
+# The verbose options (-v, -vv, -vvv) can be used to display a detailed list
+# of which tags are assigned to each category.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+    if (not $LINTIAN_ROOT) {
+        use Cwd ();
+        $ENV{'LINTIAN_ROOT'} = $LINTIAN_ROOT = Cwd::cwd();
+    } else {
+        chdir $LINTIAN_ROOT or die "Cannot chdir to $LINTIAN_ROOT: $!\n";
+    }
+use lib "$ENV{'LINTIAN_ROOT'}/lib";
+use Read_pkglists;
+use Lintian::Tag::Info;
+my @severities = reverse qw(pedantic wishlist minor normal important serious);
+my @certainties = reverse qw(wild-guess possible certain);
+my @types = qw(E W I P);
+my %stats;
+my $num_tags = 0;
+my %num_code;
+my $num_ok = 0;
+my $percent = 0;
+my $verbose = $ARGV[0] ? ($ARGV[0] =~ s/v/v/g) : 0;
+opendir(CHECKDIR, "$LINTIAN_ROOT/checks")
+    or fail("cannot read directory $LINTIAN_ROOT/checks");
+for my $check (readdir CHECKDIR) {
+    next unless $check =~ /\.desc$/;
+    my @tags = read_dpkg_control("$LINTIAN_ROOT/checks/$check");
+    my $desc = $tags[0];
+    my @needs = ();
+    if ($desc and exists $desc->{'needs-info'}) {
+        @needs = split(/\s*,\s*/, $desc->{'needs-info'});
+    }
+    shift(@tags);
+    foreach my $tag (@tags) {
+        my $name = $tag->{tag};
+        my $severity = $tag->{severity};
+        my $certainty = $tag->{certainty};
+        $severity = 'unclassified' if not $severity;
+        $certainty = 'unclassified' if not $certainty;
+        my $info = Lintian::Tag::Info->new($tag->{tag});
+        my $code = $info->code;
+        push(@{$stats{severity}{$severity}}, $name);
+        push(@{$stats{certainty}{$certainty}}, $name);
+        push(@{$stats{both}{$severity}{$certainty}}, $name);
+        push(@{$stats{type}{severity}{$code}{$severity}}, $name);
+        push(@{$stats{type}{both}{$code}{$severity}{$certainty}}, $name);
+        map { $stats{needs}{$severity}{$certainty}{$_} = 1 } @needs;
+        $num_tags++;
+    }
+print "Severity\n";
+foreach my $s (@severities) {
+    my $tags = $stats{severity}{$s};
+    print "  $s: " . @{$tags} . "\n";
+    print "    " . join("\n    ", sort @{$tags}) . "\n" if $verbose >= 3;
+print "\nCertainty\n";
+foreach my $c (@certainties) {
+    my $tags = $stats{certainty}{$c};
+    print "  $c: " . @{$tags} . "\n";
+    print "    " . join("\n    ", sort @{$tags}) . "\n" if $verbose >= 3;
+print "\nSeverity/Certainty\n";
+foreach my $s (@severities) {
+    foreach my $c (@certainties) {
+        if (my $tags = $stats{both}{$s}{$c}) {
+            print "  $s/$c: " . @{$tags} . "\n";
+            print "    " . join("\n    ", sort @{$tags}) . "\n"
+                if $verbose >= 2;
+        }
+    }
+foreach my $t (@types) {
+    print "\nType $t Severity\n";
+    foreach my $s (@severities) {
+        if (my $tags = $stats{type}{severity}{$t}{$s}) {
+            print "  $s: " . @{$tags} . "\n";
+            print "    " . join("\n    ", sort @{$tags}) . "\n"
+                if $verbose >= 2;
+        }
+    }
+foreach my $t (@types) {
+    print "\nType $t Severity/Certainty\n";
+    foreach my $s (@severities) {
+        foreach my $c (@certainties) {
+            if (my $tags = $stats{type}{both}{$t}{$s}{$c}) {
+                print "  $s/$c: " . @{$tags} . "\n";
+                print "    " . join("\n    ", sort @{$tags}) . "\n"
+                    if $verbose >= 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+print "\nCollections\n";
+foreach my $s (@severities) {
+    foreach my $c (@certainties) {
+        if (my $needs = $stats{needs}{$s}{$c}) {
+            my $size = scalar keys %{$needs};
+            my @list = sort keys %{$needs};
+            print "  $s/$c: $size\n";
+            print "    " . join("\n    ", @list) . "\n" if $verbose >= 2;
+        }
+    }
+if ($verbose >= 1 and exists $stats{severity}{unclassified}) {
+    print "\nUnclassified tags\n";
+    print "  " . join("\n  ", @{$stats{severity}{unclassified}}) . "\n"
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# vim: sw=4 sts=4 ts=4 et sr
diff --git a/private/transtats b/private/transtats
deleted file mode 100755
index 9728bea..0000000
--- a/private/transtats
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# transtats - tag classification transition statistics
-# This script displays statistics and data related to the experimental tag
-# classification based on Severity/Certainty headers, as well as its
-# transition from the Type based classification.
-# The verbose options (-v, -vv, -vvv) can be used to display a detailed list
-# of which tags are assigned to each category.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use lib "$ENV{'LINTIAN_ROOT'}/lib";
-use Read_pkglists;
-use Lintian::Tag::Info;
-my @severities = qw(pedantic wishlist minor normal important serious);
-my @certainties = qw(wild-guess possible certain);
-my @types = qw(info warning error);
-my @codes = qw(I W E);
-my %old_codes = ( info => 'I', warning => 'W', error => 'E' );
-my %stats;
-my $num_tags = 0;
-my $num_done = 0;
-my %num_code;
-my $num_ok = 0;
-my $percent = 0;
-my $verbose = $ARGV[0] ? ($ARGV[0] =~ s/v/v/g) : 0;
-opendir(CHECKDIR, "$LINTIAN_ROOT/checks")
-    or fail("cannot read directory $LINTIAN_ROOT/checks");
-for my $check (readdir CHECKDIR) {
-    next unless $check =~ /\.desc$/;
-    my @tags = read_dpkg_control("$LINTIAN_ROOT/checks/$check");
-    my $desc = $tags[0];
-    my @needs = ();
-    if ($desc and exists $desc->{'needs-info'}) {
-        @needs = split(/\s*,\s*/, $desc->{'needs-info'});
-    }
-    shift(@tags);
-    foreach my $tag (@tags) {
-        my $name = $tag->{tag};
-        my $type = $tag->{type};
-        my $severity = $tag->{severity};
-        my $certainty = $tag->{certainty};
-        my $done = $severity and $certainty ? 1 : 0;
-        $severity = 'unclassified' if not $severity;
-        $certainty = 'unclassified' if not $certainty;
-        push(@{$stats{severity}{$severity}}, $name);
-        push(@{$stats{certainty}{$certainty}}, $name);
-        push(@{$stats{both}{$severity}{$certainty}}, $name);
-        push(@{$stats{type}{severity}{$type}{$severity}}, $name);
-        push(@{$stats{type}{both}{$type}{$severity}{$certainty}}, $name);
-        map { $stats{needs}{$severity}{$certainty}{$_} = 1 } @needs;
-        $num_tags++;
-        next if not $done;
-        my $old_code = $old_codes{$type};
-        my $info = Lintian::Tag::Info->new($tag);
-        my $new_code = $info->code;
-        push(@{$stats{code}{$old_code}{$new_code}}, $name);
-        $num_ok++ if $old_code eq $new_code;
-        $num_done++;
-        $num_code{$old_code}++;
-    }
-$percent = sprintf("%.2f", ($num_done/$num_tags)*100);
-print "Number of classified tags\n";
-print "  $num_done/$num_tags ($percent%)\n";
-$percent = sprintf("%.2f", ($num_ok/$num_done)*100);
-print "\nBackwards compatibilty accuracy\n";
-print "  $num_ok/$num_done ($percent%)\n";
-print "\nSeverity\n";
-foreach my $s (@severities) {
-    my $tags = $stats{severity}{$s};
-    print "  $s: ". @{$tags} ."\n";
-    print "    ". join("\n    ", @{$tags}) ."\n" if $verbose >= 3;
-print "\nCertainty\n";
-foreach my $c (@certainties) {
-    my $tags = $stats{certainty}{$c};
-    print "  $c: ". @{$tags} ."\n";
-    print "    ". join("\n    ", @{$tags}) ."\n" if $verbose >= 3;
-print "\nSeverity/Certainty\n";
-foreach my $s (@severities) {
-    foreach my $c (@certainties) {
-        if (my $tags = $stats{both}{$s}{$c}) {
-            print "  $s/$c: ". @{$tags} ."\n";
-            print "    ". join("\n    ", @{$tags}) ."\n" if $verbose >= 2;
-        }
-    }
-foreach my $t (@types) {
-    print "\nType $t Severity\n";
-    foreach my $s (@severities) {
-        if (my $tags = $stats{type}{severity}{$t}{$s}) {
-            print "  $s: ". @{$tags} ."\n";
-            print "    ". join("\n    ", @{$tags}) ."\n" if $verbose >= 2;
-        }
-    }
-foreach my $t (@types) {
-    print "\nType $t Severity/Certainty\n";
-    foreach my $s (@severities) {
-        foreach my $c (@certainties) {
-            if (my $tags = $stats{type}{both}{$t}{$s}{$c}) {
-                print "  $s/$c: ". @{$tags} ."\n";
-                print "    ". join("\n    ", @{$tags}) ."\n" if $verbose >= 1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-foreach my $old (@codes) {
-    $num_ok = @{$stats{code}{$old}{$old}};
-    $percent = sprintf("%.2f", ($num_ok/$num_code{$old})*100);
-    print "\nCode $old ($percent%)\n";
-    foreach my $new (@codes) {
-        if (my $codes = $stats{code}{$old}{$new}) {
-            print "  $new: ". @{$codes} ."\n";
-            print "    ". join("\n    ", @{$codes}) ."\n"
-                if ($verbose >= 1 and $old ne $new) or ($verbose >= 2);
-        }
-    }
-print "\nCollections\n";
-foreach my $s (@severities) {
-    foreach my $c (@certainties) {
-        if (my $needs = $stats{needs}{$s}{$c}) {
-            my $size = scalar keys %{$needs};
-            my @list = keys %{$needs};
-            print "  $s/$c: $size\n";
-            print "    ". join("\n    ", @list) ."\n" if $verbose >= 2;
-        }
-    }
-if ($verbose >= 1 and exists $stats{severity}{unclassified}) {
-    print "\nUnclassified tags\n";
-    print "  ". join("\n  ", @{$stats{severity}{unclassified}}) ."\n"
-# vim: sw=4 sts=4 ts=4 et sr

Debian package checker

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