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Bug#534513: lintian: [checks/binary] check whether a package should really be arch-specific

Evgeni Golov <evgeni@debian.org> writes:

> while looking at some python packge on debian mentors, I noticed that
> lintian does not cry loadly when a package is Arch:any (or
> Arch:something but not all) but does not contain anything really
> arch-specific (only /u/s/doc and some ..py file).
> Attached is a minimalistic patch to does what I mean.

I'm afraid that your approach here isn't quite enough.  There are a lot
of things that can be architecture-specific besides binaries: header
file defines, high-level code that makes assumptions about endianness,
packages which for some reason are only useful on one platform, kernel
module source packages that are per-architecture, and so forth.

We may be safe in assuming there's a problem if all the contents of the
package are in /usr/share but the package is arch: all.  Maybe even if
all the contents are in either /usr/share or in (/usr)?/s?bin and the
latter contains no binaries.  Off-hand, I can't think of a case where
such a test would be incorrect, but that may be a failure of my

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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