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Bug#127494: [checks/cruft] precompiled binaries in the source

In order to implement this check it is necessary the output of file, but it is 
not generated by the collections/ scripts for source packages. The script 
that takes care of this is file-info, but depends on the availability of a 
files index.
This last file is generated by the unpack-binpkg-l1 script by modifying a 
little bit the output of dpkg-deb's call to tar.

Trying to generate an index file for source packages is a bit tricky, as it 
can't be done via dpkg as there's no method that prints the files in the orig 
tarball. I tried to simulate the output of tar, but either I'm too sleepy or 
there's no way to do it via the standard options of ls or find.

The file index is necessary for #512265 and #472219 too.

Any hints?

Raphael Geissert - Debian Maintainer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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