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[SCM] Debian package checker branch, master, updated. 2.0.0-15-g93d9e8e

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 93d9e8e589e1b463a34fe400b5f1c70417328fcc
Author: Adam D. Barratt <adam@adam-barratt.org.uk>
Date:   Mon Sep 29 19:31:55 2008 +0100

    Simplify the code structure and remove duplication.
    Merge the sections checking for "acceptable" errors and the use of
    etch's binutils, making the code (hopefully) easier to
    follow and removing some near-duplication of code.

diff --git a/collection/objdump-info b/collection/objdump-info
index 6b77e4a..18ed175 100755
--- a/collection/objdump-info
+++ b/collection/objdump-info
@@ -73,35 +73,7 @@ while (<FILES>) {
 		print OUT $_;
 		close PIPE;
-	} elsif ($binutils_version !~ m/^2\.17/) {
-	    # etch's binutils (2.17) can't read 64-bit binaries on 32-bit
-	    # platforms so we special-case that below
-	    #
-	    # Otherwise we allow the two specific errors "Invalid operation" and
-	    # "File format not recognized" as the checks scripts handle them
-	    # From the original script:
-	    # If the objdump error is "Invalid operation", we handle it later
-	    # in the check script, since this is the expected output (for now)
-	    # on detached debugging information in /usr/lib/debug.
-	    $failed = 1;
-	    if (open(PIPE, '-|', "objdump --headers --private-headers -T $bin 2>&1")) {
-		while(<PIPE>) {
-		    $failed = 0 if m/Invalid operation$/;
-		    $failed = 0 if m/File format not recognized$/;
-		    print OUT $_;
-		}
-		close PIPE;
-	    }
-	    last if $failed;
 	} else {
-	    my @sections;
-	    my @symbol_versions;
-	    # If the error wasn't one of the two we special-case, abort
 	    $failed = 1;
 	    my $invalidop = 0;
 	    my $objdumpout = '';
@@ -120,126 +92,135 @@ while (<FILES>) {
 	    last if $failed;
-	    if ($invalidop) {
-		# If objdump returned "invalid operation" then the
-		# readelf code will tend to produce false positives
-		# so just return the objdump output and let the scripts
-		# handle it
+	    if ($invalidop or $binutils_version !~ m/^2\.17/) {
+		# If we're using a binutils newer than etch's then either
+		# "invalid operation" or "file format not recognized"
+		# are simply passed through to the checks scripts
+		# which handle the output themselves
+		#
+		# If objdump returned "invalid operation" and we are
+		# using etch's binutils then the readelf code will tend
+		# to produce false positives so we just return the
+		# objdump output and let the scripts handle it
 		print OUT $objdumpout;
-		next;
 	    } elsif (system("readelf -l $bin 2>&1 | grep -q 'Error: Not an ELF file'") == 0) {
 		print OUT "objdump: $bin: File format not recognized\n";
-		next;
-	    } elsif (open(PIPE, '-|', "readelf -W -l -t -d -V $bin")) {
-		# We're using etch's binutils so attempt to build an output file
-		# in the expected format without using objdump; we lose some
-		# data but none that our later checks actually use
-		my $section = '';
-		my %program_headers;
-		while(<PIPE>) {
-		    chomp;
-		    if (m/^Program Headers:/) {
-			$section = 'PH';
-			print OUT "$_\n";
-		    } elsif (m/^Section Headers:/) {
-			$section = 'SH';
-			print OUT "$_\n";
-		    } elsif (m/^Dynamic section at offset .*:/) {
-			$section = 'DS';
-			print OUT "$_\n";
-		    } elsif (m/^Version symbols section /) {
-			$section = 'VS';
-		    } elsif (m/^\s*$/) {
-			$section = '';
-		    } elsif (m/^\s*(\S+)\s*(?:(?:\S+\s+){4})\S+\s(...)/
-			     and $section eq 'PH') {
-			my ($header, $flags) = ($1, $2);
-			$header =~ s/^GNU_//g;
-			next if $header eq 'Type';
-			my $newflags = '';
-			$newflags .= ($flags =~ m/R/) ? 'r' : '-';
-			$newflags .= ($flags =~ m/W/) ? 'w' : '-';
-			$newflags .= ($flags =~ m/E/) ? 'x' : '-';
-			$program_headers{$header} = $newflags;
-			print OUT "  $header off 0x0 X 0x0 X 0x0\n  flags $newflags\n";
-		    } elsif (m/^\s*\[(\d+)\]\s*(\S+)(?:\s|\Z)/
-			     and $section eq 'SH') {
-			$sections[$1] = $2;
-		    } elsif (m/^\s*0x(?:[0-9A-F]+)\s+\((.*?)\)\s+(\S.*)\Z/i
-			     and $section eq 'DS') {
-			my ($type, $value) = ($1, $2);
-			$value =~ s/^(?:Shared library|Library soname): \[(.*)\]/$1/;
-			print OUT "  $type   $value\n";
-		    } elsif (m/^\s*[0-9A-F]+:\s+(\S+)\s*(?:\((\S+)\))?(\s|\Z)/i
-			     and $section eq 'VS') {
-			while (m/([0-9A-F]+h?)\s*(?:\((\S+)\))?(\s|\Z)/gci) {
-			    my ($vernum, $verstring) = ($1, $2);
-			    $verstring ||= '';
-			    if ($vernum =~ m/h$/) {
-				$verstring = "($verstring)";
+	    } else {
+		# We're using etch's binutils so attempt to build an output
+		# file in the expected format without using objdump; we lose
+		# some data but none that our later checks actually use
+		my @sections;
+		my @symbol_versions;
+		if (open(PIPE, '-|', "readelf -W -l -t -d -V $bin")) {
+		    my $section = '';
+		    my %program_headers;
+		    while(<PIPE>) {
+			chomp;
+			if (m/^Program Headers:/) {
+			    $section = 'PH';
+			    print OUT "$_\n";
+			} elsif (m/^Section Headers:/) {
+			    $section = 'SH';
+			    print OUT "$_\n";
+			} elsif (m/^Dynamic section at offset .*:/) {
+			    $section = 'DS';
+			    print OUT "$_\n";
+			} elsif (m/^Version symbols section /) {
+			    $section = 'VS';
+			} elsif (m/^\s*$/) {
+			    $section = '';
+			} elsif (m/^\s*(\S+)\s*(?:(?:\S+\s+){4})\S+\s(...)/
+			      and $section eq 'PH') {
+			    my ($header, $flags) = ($1, $2);
+			    $header =~ s/^GNU_//g;
+			    next if $header eq 'Type';
+			    my $newflags = '';
+			    $newflags .= ($flags =~ m/R/) ? 'r' : '-';
+			    $newflags .= ($flags =~ m/W/) ? 'w' : '-';
+			    $newflags .= ($flags =~ m/E/) ? 'x' : '-';
+			    $program_headers{$header} = $newflags;
+			    print OUT "  $header off 0x0 X 0x0 X 0x0\n  flags $newflags\n";
+			} elsif (m/^\s*\[(\d+)\]\s*(\S+)(?:\s|\Z)/
+			      and $section eq 'SH') {
+			    $sections[$1] = $2;
+			} elsif (m/^\s*0x(?:[0-9A-F]+)\s+\((.*?)\)\s+(\S.*)\Z/i
+			      and $section eq 'DS') {
+			    my ($type, $value) = ($1, $2);
+			    $value =~ s/^(?:Shared library|Library soname): \[(.*)\]/$1/;
+			    print OUT "  $type   $value\n";
+			} elsif (m/^\s*[0-9A-F]+:\s+(\S+)\s*(?:\((\S+)\))?(\s|\Z)/i
+			      and $section eq 'VS') {
+			    while (m/([0-9A-F]+h?)\s*(?:\((\S+)\))?(\s|\Z)/gci) {
+				my ($vernum, $verstring) = ($1, $2);
+				$verstring ||= '';
+				if ($vernum =~ m/h$/) {
+				    $verstring = "($verstring)";
+				}
+				push @symbol_versions, $verstring;
-			    push @symbol_versions, $verstring;
+			} elsif (m/^There is no dynamic section in this file/
+			      and exists $program_headers{DYNAMIC}) {
+			    # The headers declare a dynamic section but it's
+			    # empty. Generate the same error as objdump,
+			    # the checks scripts special-case the string.
+			    print OUT "\n\nobjdump: $bin: Invalid operation\n";
-		    } elsif (m/^There is no dynamic section in this file/
-			     and exists $program_headers{DYNAMIC}) {
-			# The headers declare a dynamic section but it's
-			# empty. Generate the same error as objdump,
-			# the checks scripts special-case the string.
-			print OUT "\n\nobjdump: $bin: Invalid operation\n";
+		    close PIPE;
-		close PIPE;
-	    }
-	    if (open(PIPE, '-|', "readelf -W -s -D $bin")) {
-		while(<PIPE>) {
-		    last if m/^Symbol table of/;
-		    if (m/^\s*(\d+)\s+\d+:\s*[0-9a-f]+\s+\d+\s+(?:(?:\S+\s+){3})(\S+)\s+(.*)\Z/) {
-			my ($symnum, $seg, $sym, $ver) = ($1, $2, $3, '');
-			if ($sym =~ m/^(.*)@(.*)$/) {
-			    $sym = $1;
-			    $ver = $2;
-			} elsif (@symbol_versions == 0) {
-			    # No versioned symbols...
-			    $ver = '';
-			} else {
-			    $ver = $symbol_versions[$symnum];
-			    if ($ver eq '*local*' or $ver eq '*global*') {
-				if ($seg eq 'UND') {
-				    $ver = '   ';
-				} else {
-				    $ver = 'Base';
+		if (open(PIPE, '-|', "readelf -W -s -D $bin")) {
+		    print OUT "DYNAMIC SYMBOL TABLE:\n";
+		    while(<PIPE>) {
+			last if m/^Symbol table of/;
+			if (m/^\s*(\d+)\s+\d+:\s*[0-9a-f]+\s+\d+\s+(?:(?:\S+\s+){3})(\S+)\s+(.*)\Z/) {
+			    my ($symnum, $seg, $sym, $ver) = ($1, $2, $3, '');
+			    if ($sym =~ m/^(.*)@(.*)$/) {
+				$sym = $1;
+				$ver = $2;
+			    } elsif (@symbol_versions == 0) {
+				# No versioned symbols...
+				$ver = '';
+			    } else {
+				$ver = $symbol_versions[$symnum];
+				if ($ver eq '*local*' or $ver eq '*global*') {
+				    if ($seg eq 'UND') {
+					$ver = '   ';
+				    } else {
+					$ver = 'Base';
+				    }
+				} elsif ($ver eq '()') {
+				    $ver = '(Base)';
-			    } elsif ($ver eq '()') {
-				$ver = '(Base)';
-			}
-			if ($seg =~ m/^\d+$/ and defined $sections[$seg]) {
-			    $seg = $sections[$seg];
-			}
+			    if ($seg =~ m/^\d+$/ and defined $sections[$seg]) {
+				$seg = $sections[$seg];
+			    }
-			print OUT "00      XX $seg  000000  $ver  $sym\n";
+			    print OUT "00      XX $seg  000000  $ver  $sym\n";
+			}
-		}
-		close PIPE;
+		    close PIPE;
+		}
 close FILES;
 close OUT;

Debian package checker

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