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Re: [SCM] Debian package checker branch, master, updated. 1.24.2-63-gde12b8f

On Mon, 2008-08-04 at 20:10 +0200, Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 09:59:28PM +0000, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> > The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
> > commit de12b8f7e4477f56347a9fa6b3141b7dfa62af4a
> > Author: Adam D. Barratt <adam@adam-barratt.org.uk>
> > Date:   Thu Jul 31 22:59:00 2008 +0100
> > 
> >     Treat hardlinks as "normal" files
> Hmm, I'm not so sure about that one.
> Doesn't that mean that you will get just the same warnings, but twice?

As far as I can see, it just gives the same warnings as the original
code did (I changed it after noticing a failure in the "binary" testset
package for binary-without-manpage, where hello.static and hello-static
are hardlinked).

The original index-walking code doesn't differentiate between hardlinks
and "normal" files as far as I can see - both would have index entries
beginning with "-" and the "link to" text is generally removed while
walking the list.

Unless I'm mistaken, that would suggest that the code's /always/ been
buggy for generating the same warning twice, for the hardlink and the
hardlinked file; if that's the case then I'm more than happy to change
the tests back to ignoring hardlinks.


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