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Bug#472513: lintian: please warn when date in latest changelog entry (except for binNMUs) is more recent than the latest standards version publication date

"Raphael Geissert" <atomo64@gmail.com> writes:

> The difference consists on being able to tell 'maintainer John Doe has
> uploaded a package with an old standards version, why did he do that?'.
> The out-of-date-standards-version check can't tell that.

Hm, if we included release dates for each version of Policy in lintian, we
could suppress the warning about standards-version if the package date is
older than the newer standards version, which would accomplish the same
thing.  And that makes some sense to me -- packages that predate a new
version of Policy not referencing the latest standards-version really
isn't a problem.

What do you think, Frank?  It would reduce a lot of noise on lintian.d.o,
and we don't generally want maintainers to upload new packages only
because of a standards-version bump....

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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