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Bug#456318: lintian: rpath check for games should include games dir

Bas Wijnen <wijnen@debian.org> writes:

> This is true, but this isn't specific to games.  Other programs can put
> their data, including private shared libraries, in
> /usr/{share,lib}/packagename.  The difference for games is only that
> they may use /usr/{share,lib}/games/packagename instead.

Oh, is *that* what you meant?  I misunderstood completely.  I thought you
wanted to put shared libraries directly in /usr/lib/games.

Yes, allowing shared libraries in /usr/lib/games/<package> is entirely
reasonable and an easy fix.  I'll fix this for the next release.

Sorry about that!

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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