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Bug#456657: lintian: should check for man-page availability in the Depends/Pre-Depends packages

On 07/12/17 11:14 -0800, Russ Allbery said ...
> Y Giridhar Appaji Nag <giridhar@appaji.net> writes:
> > It would be useful if we can check if the manpage is present in any of
> > the Depends:-packages of the package being lintianed (just like we check
> > for a symlinked doc directory in case of changelog/copyright checks).
> That's an interesting idea.  I had been assuming that we couldn't do this
> check because it's cross-package, but I hadn't looked at the copyright
> check.  It does work around that with an interesting hack that's a little
> questionable but which should work in the most common cases.
> I'll have to think about that.

In which case Russ, do you think we could take the 'wontfix' tag off
this bug?


Y Giridhar Appaji Nag | http://www.appaji.net/

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