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Re: Hard coded package names in lintian

Russ Allbery wrote:
> Luk Claes <luk@debian.org> writes:
>> Russ Allbery wrote:
>>> Yes.  If there are significant packages that become obsolete and
>>> warrant a lintian warning to aid in a transition, please file a
>>> wishlist bug against lintian and we'll include that check in the next
>>> release.
>>> debcheck is available for the normal case.
>> The normal case being? I can't think of packages that should depend or
>> build-depend on obsolete package without getting at least a warning from
>> lintian?
> The normal case being that lintian normally does not do this check.  This
> is what debcheck is for, among other things.  lintian does not have access
> to information about packages other than the one being checked, and hence
> can't trigger off of a section of oldlibs or the like.
> The obsolete packages listed in lintian are those for which there are
> significant transitions and hence lintian warnings are a desireable
> addition worth maintaining the specific tag in lintian.  The normal case
> of something moving into oldlibs should be handled by other tools.

So, libglib1.2ldbl, libgtk1.2 and maybe libgd2-xpm would qualify to be

Do you want me to file a bug to include them or is mentioning them over
here enough?



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