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Re: Indent coding style for lintian

Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org> writes:
> I'm one of the people who really dislikes having literal tabs in files as
> stored on disk, for the reasons stated in:
>     http://www.jwz.org/doc/tabs-vs-spaces.html
> Having Tab do the right thing while in the editor, however, is of course
> very useful.

Well, I have to admit that I'm one of the people who believes that using
anything but tabs to indicate indentation when storing code is an error,
but hey, I do know that others think differently. I'm not fighting in
that religious war :-)

> I'd like to propose that, for new files, we use:
>  * Four-space indents.
>  * No literal tabs when saved to disk.
>  * Proper settings so that a tab in the editor will do the right indent.

As long as we do the last one, everyone should be OK with it. AFAIK,
everyone hacking on lintian uses either vim or emacs, so with the buffer
settings you proposed, noone will feel the actual difference.

Please go ahead and add these setting to all files.

Thanks for the work,
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