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Bug#431844: lintian: please adopt new menu policy


On Thu, Jul 05, 2007 at 08:10:10AM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda@debian.at> writes:
> > [1] <http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2007/07/msg00000.html>
> Yeah, I know.  :)

 Someone just today told me that the BTS can be seen as sort of TODO
list, and I personally like this idea.  That's why I thought just
putting it on the on of lintian's maintainers to not let it get
forgotten (especially since most of the stuff shouldn't be too

 Btw., I just looked, there is a su-to-root-with-usr-sbin check but no
install-menu-with-usr-sbin (which is also mentioned in the above mail).
So if you update the sections you propably want to add this check, too.

 And, while we are at it - I'm not sure if there is a check yet that
complains about menu files in /usr/lib/menu instead of /usr/share/menu

 Anyway, thanks again, and no rush, just a TODO item. :)

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