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Bug#424164: lintian: don't complain about README/LICENSE files in zope Products

reopen 424164


>  + [RA] Don't warn about LICENSE files in Zope products, since they may
>    be used for runtime display.  (Closes: #424164)

I'm wondering about the background of this change. I've read the original 
request, which was that some applications like to display the licence in 
their program.

phpMyAdmin does the same and I've solved this by simply 
symlinking /usr/share/doc/phpmyadmin/copyright. This file is then displayed 
just as expected in the application when someone clicks on "License".

You might argue that there's a case to be made to display the licence only in 
its original form, as distributed by upstream. While I don't subscribe to 
that view, if you do it's not something specific to Zope.

The way I see it there's two possible solutions:
1) Zope just symlinks the /usr/share/doc/zope/copyright file. That seems like 
the best option to me. Or is that not possible?
2) It's considered a feature that software displays the original licence as 
distributed by upstream. In that case, I don't think it's needed to make 
special exceptions for Zope; if it is desirable for Zope it may be desirable 
for other applications just as well.

In both cases I don't think the current change is appropriate, so I've taken 
the liberty to reopen the bug for now.


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