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Bug#427577: lintian: warn on usage of deprecated substvar Source-Version

Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org> writes:

> Package: lintian
> Version: 1.23.30
> Severity: wishlist
> Tags: patch

> Hi,

> I'm attaching a patch to emit warnings on packages using the
> deprecated substvar Source-Version.

> I'm not sure about the naming of the tag, I've been pondering between:

>   substvar-source-version-is-deprecated "$pkg"
>   package-uses-deprecated-source-version-substvar "$pkg"
>   package-uses-deprecated-substvar "$pkg $substvar"

> neither of what's more appropriate, if warning per instance of the
> substvar, once per field, per binary package, or globally per source
> control file. I've choosen per binary package, but I don't feel I have a
> global vision over lintian to see if it's correct. If it seems wrong I
> can fix the patch and resend.

I think your choices look fine.  The tag values are somewhat arbitrary,
and that particular set of checks doesn't have a clear choice.

I wouldn't use the third choice above because there's specific explanation
needed in the long description for ${Source-Version}, and with the third
choice, there would only be opportunity for generic text about deprecated

> Also I've seen there's several instances of @dep_fields (in different
> forms), which might be good to refactor into common_data.pm or
> something.

Good idea.  I'll take a look at doing this.

The patch will be in the next version of lintian.  Thank you!

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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