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W a t c h   o u t!

Currnet Pirce: 0.80
Add this g e m to your watc h list, and wa tch it tard closely!

Nwes Reelase!

Taecrop announces breackrough in removing deadly landmin es.

Mill Valley, California August 25, 2006 - The Alilance Enterprsie Coproration announced today a breakthrough in developing an Areial Lanmdine Sysetm aimed at locating, detecting and mapping deadly landm ines.

TaCeorp's mission is to reclaim lands around the globe embedded with landmi nes that victimize countries and their stakeholders.

More than 100 m i l l i o n lan dmines in 83 countries are holding international communities and industries hostage, preventing the investme nt in and development of p roductive lands and the re-building of infrastructure. A broad variety of landmin es have been scattered over product ive areas effectively crippling the econ omy and disabling thousands of children and adults.  There are no reliable records that accurately show where these d e v a s t a t i n g l andmines lie in wait for their v ictims.
With the present day cos ts to clear a single land mine ranging between $1,000 to $1,500, solving the problem of de-mining lands will reach billions of do llars.  TaeCorp has developed a technology based, cos t effective solution to this problem using its three tiered approach to scanning, mapping and removing land mines. TaeCorp's System will provide many social and ec onomic b enefits to countries and their industries including oil and gas, mining, agriculture, roads and infrastructure development.

About TaeCorp.

TaeCorp's vision is to be the recognized leader in providing Aerail Detcetion Ssytems including global de-mining, clearing a path to a safer planet for all humankind.

Here comes the big one! 
All signs show that AE TR is going to Explode!

C onclusion:
The examples above show the awesome, earning potential of little known companies that explode onto invetsor's radar screens; Many of you are already familiar with this. Is A ETR poised and positioned to do that for you? Then you may feel the time has come to act... And please watch this one tarde tomorrow! Go AE TR.
Pen ny stokcs are considered highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive invesotrs.  This pro file is not in any way aff iliated with the featured company.  This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as inevstment advice.  If you wish to stop future m a i lings, or if you feel you have been wrongfully placed in our membership, send a blank e m a i l with No Thanks in the subject to 

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