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Bug#378088: new control file: clilibs

> Hi,
> currently lintian throws an error about the clilibs control file. This
> control file is used in almost all CLI packages and has exactly the same
> purpose as the shlibs control file but for CLI libraries.
> Please add this to the list of known control files.

Did this replace netlibs, or is netlibs still also of interest?  I seem to
recall that CLI and .NET are two different ways of talking about the same
general set of technology.

There was a previous bug filed about netlibs (Bug#255090) was that this
should get into Policy first and then into lintian.  I'm not sure if we
need to be that strict, but I do want to see a real policy and


> For more information on that file look here[1].
> Bye
> [1]:http://pkg-mono.alioth.debian.org/cli-policy/ch-packaging.html#s-clilibs-control-file

is a good start, but contains little of use in actually verifying the
contents of the control file.  At least a syntax specification would seem
to be in order here.

Is the intention for cli-policy to eventually become a subpolicy of the
main Debian Policy manual?

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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