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Bug#379176: "E: foo: non-standard-toplevel-dir srv/" is policy not an error


On Saturday 22 July 2006 02:49, you wrote:
> By my reading of FHS 2.3, no Debian-supplied package should be installing
> files into /srv, since /srv is reserved for the local administrator for
> local data.  The error message may not be accurate, but it looks to me
> like this still should be an error.  Am I missing something?

I don't think you are correct:

the last sentence about /srv says:

--begin quote -----------------
Distributions must take care not to remove locally placed files in these 
directories without administrator permission. [20]


This is particularly important as these areas will often contain both files 
initially installed by the distributor, and those added by the administrator.
--end quote -----------------

So, as I read it, /srv is clearly designed for files from the distribution and 
locally added ones.


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