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Re: lintian: r532 - in trunk: checks debian testset testset/cdbs-test testset/cdbs-test/debian

djpig <djpig@debian.org> writes:

> +			$allowed{yada}++ if -e "debfiles/packages";
> +			my @packages = split /\s*,\s*/, $build_depends;
> +			foreach my $pkg (@packages) {
> +			    my ($name) = ($pkg =~ /^(\S+)/);
> +			    unless ($allowed{$name}) {
> +				tag "build-depends-without-arch-dep", "";
> +				last;
> +			    }

FWIW, the reason why I did yada as an odd special case rather than putting
it in the %allowed hash is because I had some thought of eventually using
the %allowed hash to make sure that there were build dependencies on all
of those packages (although as mentioned, there may be false positives).
If that's ever done, the existence of debian/packages probably shouldn't
trigger a check for a build-depends on yada as that's even more prone to
false positives than the others.

Thank you for adding a test!  I was trying to figure out how to do that
and couldn't quite see, so I can use this as an example in the future.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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