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Bug#56440: fw: Deerges Baesd On Yuor Kgwonlee

Good day 56770-close@bugs.debian.org,

A Genuine College Degree in 2 weeks !  1-206-350-5982 < - ccall n0ww !

Have you ever thought that the only thing stopping you from a great job and better pay was a few letters behind your name?  

Well now you can get them!

BA   BSc     MA    MSc    MBA   PhD

Within 2 weeks!      No Study Required!     100% Verifiable!

These are real, genuine non accredited degrees that include Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate degrees.  

They are verifiable and student records and transcripts are also available. 

This little known secret has been kept quiet for years.  The opportunity exists due to a legal loophole allowing some established colleges to award degrees at their discretion.

With all of the attention that this news has been generating, I wouldn't be surprised to see this loophole closed very soon.  Order yours today.  Just call the number below.  You'll thank me later.


Leila Bennett

Well, I voted for the Green Party. Just shy of selecting "None of The Above" or officially declining my vote, I decided to choose something viable that wasn't NDP or Liberal. Once I made the decision, it was the first time I felt content since the election hype got into full swing. I knew I would vote YES on the new order of preference voting system. But I felt like I had to choose between the NDP that had broken my province and the Liberals that had eviscerated the people I'd spent years working with in social service roles. I'm not an environmentalist, but I'm definitely taking on the One Tonne Challenge (although it's not too tough since I hate driving and my bus pass is by far cheaper than the combination of gas and a downtown parking pass). And I support the Kyoto Accord, so the vote isn't totally random. Most importantly, I don't feel my vote was wasted. No more than a quiet soprano in a choir.3

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