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I woke up in the hospital, groggy and confused. The last thing I could recall was going to bed, how did I get here. I looked up and as the blurry face came in to focus I saw my mom standing over me, holding my hand, a tear running down her cheek. "Your awake!" She said almost surpirsed. "What hapened" I asked barely able to speak. "Honey, you were sleep walking again,and you fell and hurt yourself." I tried to sit up, but couldn't move. "Oh,hold on" My mom said as she un-did the buckle on a restraint over my chest."You were thrashing around, we had to restrain you so you would not get hurt." I finnaly sat up and stretched my arms. I looked over to a mirror and saw the bandages around my head. "Am I okay?" i asked worried. "Yes, you'll be fine. You need to stay here a little longer, then we can take you home,but we will have to do something about your sleepwalking." I shook my head in agreement, but quickly stopped from the sudden pain it caused

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