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Bug#286379: lintian: Insecure temporary directory usage

On Mon, Dec 20, 2004 at 01:24:03AM +0100, Jeroen van Wolffelaar wrote:
> Argh, after looking again, I still stand by my initial assassment, I was
> misleaded by the theory that the logic was bogus. The key point is:
> | if (not -d "$LINTIAN_LAB" or ($lab_mode eq 'temporary'))
> |     mkdir($LINTIAN_LAB,0777) or fail("cannot create lab directory $LINTIAN_LAB")

> And, this is correct. If $lab_mode is not temporarily, a lab location
> was specifically given to lintian, and we should assume that the invoker
> of lintian in that case knows what he does. In all other cases, i.e.,
> lab_mode equals temporary, the condition in the if is true (note the
> 'or'), and the lab dir is unconditionally tried to be made, which fails
> if it already exists.

_However_ if it does not exist the lab is created, if the user has a 
"insecure" umask (002) you will end up being prey to symlink attacks due 
to a race condition check this (when setting up the lab):

                or fail("cannot create binary package list");
                or fail("cannot create source package list");
                or fail("cannot create udeb package list");


sub _touch {
    open(T,">$_[0]") or return 0;
    close(T) or return 0;

    return 1;

Image the following race condition:

1.- User A in group B with umask 002 runs 'lintian package.deb'
2.- The following structure is created:
[first steps of Lab::setup]
|-- binary
|-- info
|-- source
`-- udeb

3.- User R in group B symlinks the following files to files that belong to 
user A:
|-- info
|   |-- binary-packages
|   |-- source-packages
|   `-- udeb-packages

4.- [final steps of Lab::setup]
	_touch is executed and the files that A's files where B
symlinked the previous files to are emptied because of the race condition.

So what you have here is a race condition because of temporary 
files. Granted, this only happens when you have a lax umask, but it could 
be prevented either by using a proper function to create temporary 
directories (tempdir() will set them up mode 700) or by restricting the 
umask to 0700 when creating the temporary directories in Lab::setup().

I did not properly assess the issue in the initial report, but I still 
believe that Lintian has a security bug which introduces a hole under some 
conditions and that could be easily fixed.



PS: Yes, version was 1.23.3, blame it on opening up multiple bug reports at 
1 am

PPS: I already informed the security team and was told to follow this bugs 
up on the BTS

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