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When checking my libdebug packages, I get:

------------< snip <------< snip <------< snip <------------
abz@oasis:~/work/libdebug$ lintian -i libdebug_0.4.1_i386.changes
W: libdebug0-dev: manpage-section-mismatch
usr/share/man/man3/hexdump.3debug.gz:30 3debug != 3
N:   A man page usually should contain a .TH header, specifying the
N:   section. The section in this manpage doesn't match with the section in
N:   the filename. Please consult groff_man(7) for more information about
N:   .TH syntax (amongst others).
W: libdebug0-dev: manpage-section-mismatch
usr/share/man/man3/log_open.3debug.gz:30 3debug != 3
W: libdebug0-dev: manpage-section-mismatch
usr/share/man/man3/mem_open.3debug.gz:30 3debug != 3
------------< snip <------< snip <------< snip <------------

I am using the debug extension for man pages in all my libraries in order to
avoid polluting the namespace. This convention is also used by other people
(openssl, ncurses, etc)

Maybe you should not complain about this when the man pages are in section 3?



TODAY the Pond!
TOMORROW the World!
                -- Frogs (1972)

 Abraham vd Merwe - The Debian Project
 1st Floor, Albion Springs, 183 Main Road, Newlands
 Phone: +27 21 689 3876 Cell: +27 82 565 4451
 Http: http://people.debian.org/~abz/
 Email: abz@debian.org

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