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Replace the file names with shrike-i386-disc

Replace the file names with shrike-i386-disc(1,2,3, etc.) and the burn DVD file to shrike-i385-dvd.iso. I'm still learning, so I'm still the monkey pushing buttons. I started out burning the three RH9 ISOs to a single DVD, using Nero DATA burn, then loaded the DVD into the Linux box, mounted the DVD and followed the instructions in the link to create the shrike-i386-dvd.iso. If I look at the DVD I used for the transfer to the linux box I see the 3 RH9 ISO files (didn't see "files"/"directories" for each, problem?). The linux system I used doesn't have internet access or a burner that I could get to work, so I ftp'd in, set Binary, and did a "get" on shrike-i386-dvd.iso to a system with a burner running Nero. I burned a data DVD and only see a single file named shrike-i386-dvd.iso, which I think means it didn't work. I think I should see the 3 RH9 CD ISOs or all the files on the 3 RH9 CDs... I'm not sure.

Any thoughts?

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