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Bug#249414: lintian: Fails to detect usr-doc-symlink

* Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt <marc@marcbrockschmidt.de> [2004-05-31 14:32]:

> No problem. /usr/share/doc/$pkg/copyright is the reason. As the
> copyright notice is one of the most important files in a package (at
> least seen from a legal pov) we have to ensure that it is always
> right. This is only possible if both packages come from the same source
> package and the same source version. We still have a little problem in
> those cases where the version of a binary package differs from the
> version of another binary package linking its /usr/share/doc/dir to it.

The goal of detecting incoherences in the copyright files is very noble, but
I cannot get my packages Lintian-clean at all.  For instance, if I put in

    Package: plplot-bin
    Depends: libplplot9 (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}

then I get the Lintian error:

    E: plplot-bin: package-has-a-duplicate-relation depends: libplplot9 (=
    5.3.0.cvs.20040520-0.sarge.2), libplplot9 (>= 5.3.0.cvs.20040520)

The ${shlibs:Depends} above is absolutely necessary, otherwise, I cannot get
the libc6 dependency right.

Could a nice soul explain to me how I can get around this problem?


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