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Re: hello world

Hi Michael,

I'm personally not interested in the Lex topic itself but I'm reading
the list because I would like to push the Blends idea into different

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 10:20:25PM +0200, Michael Guck wrote:
> Hi all,
> as we plan to invest time on the debian-lex project we would like to know,
> if this debian-lex list is still read by any human,

For an overview about the list activity you can have a look here:


As an internal hint the graph is based on the data file


(which shows more than only top 10 posters).  It includes the postings
including October 2011.

> please replay on this message.

IMHO this reply should also contain the specific interest and even
better the plan you want to do inside the project - an even better
proof of beeing human than filling in a captcha. :-)

My personal input would be to help maintaining some Blends related
technical infrastructure which is used to create the web sentinel
considting (currently of the tasks pages


and the bugs pages


which are for Debian Lex not very relevant because if there are very
few packages you just have close to no bugs).

If you have ideas about other tasks Debian Lex should cover or other
packages which might fit into the existing tasks I can give advise how
to include this.

Kind regards and thanks for starting this "ping the list effort"



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