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Re: Debian-Lex Rebirth?

My boss thought about this and says that everybody should use the case management application preferred. More important is a way to get lawyers start working with Debian in the first place so specialized programmers and developers start creating Debian install files by themselves.

My focus would be on everything a lawyer need to hold office. Server and client site, My boss says that the 'p' on the lampserver needs to stand for 'python'. Works great with MySQL & Apache. My boss hardly allows me to use PHP, He says python is the sh*t.


Quoting Mathieu Lutfy <mathieu@bidon.ca>:

I am also interested. I am a programmer working on a small
case management application (http://www.lcm.ngo-bg.org/).

We seem to have quite a few users in various fields, but they
are always quite shy and send us very little information about
their practices, which makes it hard to develop and support
such an application (unless we are in direct contact, which
is only a tiny fraction of our users).

I am not very sure what a list such as debian-lex should focus
on, since even if there are many free software solutions for
the legal sector, they are often specific solutions for a small
target group. There is not really a "killer app". Altough the
list on http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-lex/index.html is a
good start.

I am also not sure what the be the focus: for servers or for
desktops of lawyers?

As a developer of a software which depends on MySQL/Apache/PHP,
I would of course be interested in having a Debian solution
which easily allows people with minimal technical knowledge to
do such a setup. Also, legal offices need good backups which
are easy to setup and secure (backupninja/duplicity?), etc.

Another topic which I would find interesting to discuss, is how
various offices manage their accountancy. Are there many users
of Ledger-SMB (or sql-ledger)? I think it is a great program,
and if we can stimulate/facilitate case management or other
software to integrate into it, we would be able to offer a
more interesting set of packages for legal offices.

Am I offtrack? Has this already been discussed?


Le 2007-11-26, à 16:38:43 -0800, Ken Walker (kgw@lunar.ca) écrit:
Joe Reed wrote:
> Well, there is three of us...I too have been watching the list serv and
And one more makes four.  I am not likely to be much use in the process
but I am interested.

Ken Walker
Qualicum Beach, BC                       http://lunar.ca

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Mathieu Lutfy        <mathieu@bidon.ca>       http://www.bidon.ca
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