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feedback wanted re: new coordinator

[I am not subscribed to this list; please CC me on replies.]

Hi folks,

Jeroen de Kreek recently contacted me and volunteered to serve as the new

In reviewing the list traffic for the past few months via the list
archives, I'm not seeing a whole lot of activity.  (Indeed, the need for a
new coordinator was stated in August 2005[1].)

There are at least two ways this CDD project could appoint a new

1) Simply reach an internal consensus and do it under your own authority.
debian-lex has been self-organized from its inception, and as long as it
isn't a problem for the rest of the Project (which it doesn't appear to
be), I don't perceive any problem with this continuing.

2) I could formally appoint a new coordinator in my capacity as DPL.  This
might be the right thing to do if there is a dispute over succession or
leadership of the group, or if the group simply would rather have the
position formally delegated under the Constitution[2].

Since I have not been asked to intervene in the affairs of debian-lex, the
choice between the above is really up to the group members.

If you would like me to appoint a new coordinator, I will need two things:

* a description of the role, including its powers and responsibilities
* to know if anyone else is interested in the role, so that a mechanism for
  deciding among multiple candidates can be developed and exercised if

Such a "mechanism" could be pretty simple; it could be the DPL's arbitrary
decree if the role is sincerely but not bitterly contested, and everyone is
willing to abide by such a process.  More elaborate methods, up to and
including something similar to Debian's General Resolution process, could
also be used.

How we proceed is really up to the participants in this process; let me
know how you need me to serve your needs.

[1] http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-lex/
[2] http://www.debian.org/devel/constitution

G. Branden Robinson
Debian Project Leader

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