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Legal case management system


We've been developing a free software "legal case management" system
for use by not-for-profit legal advice centers in Bulgaria for the
past few months.

The software is still improving alot between releases, but so far a 
few organisations have started using it in various countries (bg, br, 
us, uk, au).

The software is basically a system for creating "cases" (court or not)
and for logging the activity on that case, then it generates reports 
based on those activities. The reporting is still a bit buggy, but 
it's aimed to be flexible.

The system seems to work well for other (for-profit) lawyers, only 
that the system does not include any type of sophisticated billing 
system (it includes a very basic billing system). It is also aimed for 
use by an office, where many lawyers or advisors work on the same case.

The system is based on PHP4/MySQL 3.23, and is available in English 
and Bulgarian, with partial translation in Portuguese of Brazil and 

We have started to make an experimental Debian package for use by the
local NGOs (not-for-profit) centers who are using a Debian-based
distribution. I will try to publish our control files in our CVS asap.

Would there be any interest from others on this list to help work on
a package which would fit average requirements?

For more info about our project, we have a public testing site:
- www.lcm.ngo-bg.org/public/

The project information and documentation is available here:
- www.lcm.ngo-bg.org/en

And our Source Forge project page is:
- www.sf.net/projects/legalcase

The latest release is 0.4.3 and should be announced on freshmeat 
later today.


Mathieu Lutfy        <mathieu@bidon.ca>       http://www.bidon.ca
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