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Re: New project proposal: Debian-Lex

Hi Jeremy and the list:

I have continued to try out some of the main packages scoped out in the
project. (I have had to use a much more powerful machine to run
openoffice!) My focus has further narrowed to assembling a minimal
usable destop system + accounting in the near term, without worrying too
much about a distribution. I have ventured out from the safe havens of
Woody - I am trying a mixture of testing and unstable. So I will
continue to be interested in the project even at its current pace.

So far, I have tried only Debian packages. Next to explore will be
non-Debian packages. If I like a non-Debian package, and it hasn't been
packaged by the time I have checked it out, I'll probably package it.

From the sketchy description of the packages, it seems to me there is
overlap among the packages. E.g., GnoTime + Mozart = Etude - cashflow?
And how can data flow between these programs and a general ledger
program? I haven't gone back to re-read some of your early posts, but I
think you were working on some sort of database that will be the
back-end integrator for all the packages? And maybe that is meant to be
in the base packages?


On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 09:18, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:
> Many thanks for your message.  Recent significant changes in my life
> have prevented me from progressing this project at the rate that I
> anticipated, or at all.  If people are still willing to bear with me
> then I will try my hardest to make some headway on the tasks I have
> assumed so that we at least have our base packages in unstable before
> the end of the year.  However if anyone is fed up and thinks they could
> do a better job in leading this project, then they are almost certainly
> correct and I would be glad to hear from them.

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