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Request for Permission to Use Logo for Merchandise

Dear Debian Team,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Rodrigo, and I am writing to seek your permission to use the Debian logo on a series of themed merchandise, specifically t-shirts. These products are intended for sale and will feature both your iconic logo and related community memes.

Our goal is to celebrate and promote Debian within the community through these t-shirts. We believe that this merchandise will not only raise awareness of your distribution but also foster a stronger connection among its users and enthusiasts.

I would like to assure you that these products are intended for commercial purposes, and we plan to conduct this initiative with the utmost respect for your brand and its values. Additionally, should this venture generate significant profits, we are committed to contributing a portion of these earnings back to your project to support and further its development.

Please let me know the steps we need to follow to obtain your permission, or if there are any specific conditions or licensing agreements required for using the logo in this manner.

Thank you for considering our request. I look forward to your positive response and hopefully collaborating closely to make this project beneficial for both parties.

Best regards,

Rodrigo Vega Cruz
Instagram: @danklinuxmemes

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