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Re: Fwd: RNNoise's model and DFSG

On Sun, 2021-10-17 at 13:08 +0300, Nicholas Guriev wrote:

> I still have suspicions about RNNoise and its probable non-free model.

I'm the pabs3 in the HN thread you referenced. I think that RNNoise
does not meet my personal standards for Free Software and also for
machine learning. I think that under the Debian Deep Learning Team's
Machine Learning Policy, it should be classified as a ToxicCandy Model.
There isn't an official Debian position on this and there are other
similar machine learning models in Debian; the threads about tesseract
and Japanese text analysis come to mind for example:


> What is the current consensus on this library in Debian community?

Several maintainers have added it to Debian so it seems accepted:

mumble, chromium, qtwebengine-opensource-src, obs-studio

> I already asked on debian-ai@ but nobody answered ever since.

I suggest you bring this up again.



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