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Re: FRR package in Debian violates the GPL licence

On Tue, 19 Mar 2019, Roberto wrote:

On the other side, if I understood correctly, there are authors who want to contribute their code under GPL exclusively, and they feel that some of their changes got included into the bundled libraries (and are significant enough to be covered by copyright), so those libraries should be wrapped by the GPL as well.

It's not like that. It's more like (as a high-level summary):

1. There are GPL libraries (and associated support daemons), providing a
   number of facilities.

2. There is BSD and MIT/X11 licensed code

3. People took the code of (2), and adapted that code - extensively and
   explicitly - to make use of and rely upon the facilities of the code
   of (1); facilities which were missing in the code of (2).

The people involved in (3) - Linux Foundation, Cumulus Networks, 6WIND, Big Switch Networks, etc. - refuse to acknowledge the legal reality that the code of (3) is covered by the GPL licence of the code of (2), and refuse to honour the conditions required by the GPL - see David Lamparter's mail.

They've gone to great lengths on that, including using corporate connections to adversely affect the employment of copyright holders of (2), where those copyright holders objected to what the people of (3) were doing.

Paul Jakma | paul@jakma.org | @pjakma | Key ID: 0xD86BF79464A2FF6A
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