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Re: Please advise regarding DFSG compliance of WPL-2

On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 04:37:39AM +0000, Landry, Walter wrote:
> However, this part
> >
> >     Third - Coverage:
> >
> > Waqf license can cover the published works with other licenses that do
> > not conflict with it. Also Waqf can cover the parts that complement
> > the work of other licenses, or the works that have been exonerated by
> > domestic laws because of the expiry of their period. Waqf does not
> > cover works which are harmful or most likely to be harmful.
> is more troublesome.  If I use this software for weapons, it sounds like
> I can not distribute modified versions?
---end quoted text---

As far as I understand, this is a restriction on the use of the Waqf 
license, not the software itself.

‎أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy)
 Digital design engineer
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