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Re: redistribution of the ARIN TAL

I just looked up their terms of service, and I don't see any problem at all...

Marco, can you tell us what they actually said, and in what context? Is there an email you can forward?


Daniel J. Hakimi
B.S. Philosophy, RPI 2012
B.S. Computer Science, RPI 2012
J.D. Cardozo Law 2015

On Sat, Feb 16, 2019, 03:35 Landry, Walter <wlandry@caltech.edu wrote:
Marco d'Itri <md@Linux.IT> writes:
> ARIN believes that they have a right to limit distribution of this RSA
> public key (used for verification of routing security):
> https://www.arin.net/resources/rpki/arin-rfc7730.tal

I can see that URL without agreeing to anything.  So the only
restrictions on redistribution I can think of would be due to copyright.

> (This is basically an X.509 subjectPublicKeyInfo, which can be parsed
> with openssl asn1parse.)
> And they are arguing that people cannot download this file from
> a well-known location without first agreeing to some conditions.
> Does everybody agree that this is bullshit and that we can distribute
> this data in Debian packages as much as we like?

This feels very similar to distributing HD-DVD keys [1].  The legal
problem with HD-DVD keys is the US DMCA.  It sounds like that would not
be an issue here.  ARIN might think that they can restrict the
distribution of this file via copyright, but it seems like a pretty
clear case of fair use.

As always, ftpmaster is the one who makes the actual decision.

Walter Landry

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2007/05/msg00043.html

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