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Can a license be "DFSG approved"?


I noticed that SPDX [1] are in the process of flagging licenses as "FSF
libre" and "OSI approved". Ideally, other third parties will also be
able to flag licenses or provide APIs that do the same.

I suggested DFSG flagging, and SPDX are interested in a machine-
readable status list. [2] Is there such a thing?

I was also reminded of the comment below, and wondered in retrospect if
a flagging licenses as "DFSG approved" actually makes sense?

> It is possible to have a package containing software under a "free"
license with some other aspect that makes it non-free. Sometimes,
debian-legal comments on a license in abstract, not applied to any
particular software. While these discussion can suggest possible
problems, often no firm answers can be reached until some specific
software is examined. [3]

[1]: https://spdx.org
[2]: https://github.com/spdx/spdx-spec/issues/46#issuecomment-339495490
[3]: https://www.debian.org/legal/licenses/


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