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Re: Python GPL-3+ program w/o OpenSSL exception using python-requests

 ❦ 17 janvier 2015 19:14 +0100, "W. Martin Borgert" <debacle@debian.org> :

> sorry, if this question has been discussed before.

> Python program or library "X" is licensed under GPL3+ without
> OpenSSL exception. "X" does use the python-requests library,
> which on load dynamically links the Python interpreter with the
> OpenSSL library. This is "X":

A close issue has already been discussed [1] but it was mostly
ignored. Doing "import readline" and "import ssl" triggers the problem
without introducing a third-party program. Running "python"
interactively loads the "readline" module. Just typing "import ssl" here
is a license violation. Running "ipython" loads both "readline" and
"ssl" module.

My conclusion is that if you have a GPL program importing the "ssl"
module, you can ignore the licensing issue on either the ground that
nobody really cares or the fact that OpenSSL should be considered as a
system library (and this is easier with GPLv3 than it was with GPLv2).

[1]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=498857
Let the machine do the dirty work.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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