Re: Public domain and DEP-5-compliant debian/copyright
Le Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 11:18:11AM +0200, Florent Rougon a écrit :
> 1. I have files in a program with the following "copyright" statement:
> # Copyright (C) 2002-2010, 2013, 2014 ...
> # Copyright (C) 2000 ...
> #
> # This program is in the public domain.
> but, as I understand it, public domain is the absence of copyright...
> right? Would it be better to replace this with:
> # Contributors: 2002-2010, 2013, 2014 ...
> # 2000 ...
> #
> # This program is in the public domain.
> ?
> 2. With the following stanza in debian/copyright (DEP-5):
> Files: examples/*
> License: public-domain
> I get two lintian warnings, the first of which being
> missing-field-in-dep5-copyright for the Copyright field IIRC, and the
> second one being 'missing-license-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright
> public-domain'.
Dear Florent,
for the first point, please do not modify the upstream copyright statements
unless you have the permission from the authors: it is more likely to create
new confusions than to clarify the situation.
For the entry in the machine-readable copyright file, since the information
available suggests that the authors claim a copyright, I would just consider
that “This program is in the public domain.” is the license of the file:
Files: examples/*
Copyright: (C) 2002-2010, 2013, 2014 author A
(C) 2000 author B
License: says-public-domain
This program is in the public domain.
Not elegant, but accurate.
Have a nice day,
Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan
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