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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] About the licensing of URW Garamond No. 8

Hi, pabs.

2010/4/14 Paul Wise <pabs@debian.org>:
> I'd strongly suggest to indicate a preference about which license you
> would like them to choose.

That's very good. But how should the request be phrased? Should it be
a formal letter? Since you are a native English speaker, can you
suggest any rewording? Other members' input is also highly

I would not like to have it sound disrespectful or anything like that
due to my linguistic limitations.


Rogério Brito : rbrito@{mackenzie,ime.usp}.br : GPG key 1024D/7C2CAEB8
http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito : http://meusite.mackenzie.com.br/rbrito
Projects: algorithms.berlios.de : lame.sf.net : vrms.alioth.debian.org

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