Re: Bug#532456: Are these licenses DFSG?
Ben Finney wrote:
> Eugen Dedu <> writes:
>> We have a bug report,
>>, about licenses
>> of various plugins of opal package, and I do not know if the licenses
>> involved are DFSG-free.
> Coming back to the start of this thread, it's been pointed out before
> that *licenses* are not judged against the DFSG; a particular software
> *work* is so judged. For that, we need to know the full set of
> applicable license terms on the software.
> It seems that this information hasn't yet been provided, since multiple
> “licenses” have been presented so far in this thread.
>> Could you please tell me if these plugins are allowed to be in debian
>> main?
> To help with this, please paste here in this thread the set of license
> terms for the software work, so that its effect on the freedom of that
> work can be discussed in context.
Well, opal is a library with MPL license, as shown in its files and by
the fact that mpl-1.0.htm is found in its root directory
( It
comes with plugins (see "plugins" directory at the same URL), and these
plugins seem to me to have various licenses. For example, iLBC *codec*
has a limited commercial use
line 369) license (while its *source code* is MPL) and because of that
it has been stripped from opal in debian (I hope this is the right
decision). I need to know what should I do with the other plugins: are
they for debian main or not?
I hope I answered your question, please tell me if not.
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