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Re: Hinner EDV: Correct Logo Usage?

* Steve Langasek:

>> Sorry, I fail to see how you can do this without losing your
>> credibility.  The MIT license specifically gives one permission "to
>> deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
>> the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish" etc.
> What rock have you been hiding under for the past two years while there has
> been an ongoing, project-wide discussion about how to handle our logos in a
> manner that allows us to protect trademarks while respecting the DFSG?

I've pointed out that the "it's MIT-licensed, but you can't use it"
approach is a non-solution.  You simply can't enforce a trademark that
is DFSG-free; these two goals are inherently conflicting.

>> MIT license.  Imagine what happened if our upstreams adopted this
>> approach.
> Lots of our upstreams hold trademarks.

But most of them don't specifically license a digital representation
of the trademark under the MIT license, and ask us not to distribute
it at the same time.  And when they do, we remove the logo because
it's not DFSG-free, of course.

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