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Re: Could you please forward this proposed license to Teosto? (was: Re: Choosing a license for Frets on Fire songs)

On Tue May 15 17:25, Jason A. Spiro wrote:
> But one question:
> Do those license terms allow the songs to be distributed in a separate
> Debian package from the primary "fretsonfire" package?

No, it will have to be amended to allow this as was suggested elsewhere
in this thread.

> What if the song package Depends on fretsonfire?[1]  What if it
> Recommends it?[2]

I think our current model has fretsonfire-data-foo depending on fretsonfire.

If the licence says "these songs may only be used with fretsonfire and it's
derivatives" then that's clear whatever the package manager says. 

How about:

 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd-nc/1.0/legalcode with 4. d.
 added saying:

   You may not publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly digitally
   perform the Work except as part of the game and you may not
   distribute the Work except with the intention of it being used with
   the Game.

 and 1. g.:

   "The Game" means the game Frets on Fire or a derivative work of
   Frets on Fire.

Matthew Johnson

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