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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] Open Font License 1.1 Released

(please keep the crossposting. pkg-fonts-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
does not use an opened posting policy but I'll temporarily open the
policy to avoid annoying people who are not subscribed. If you post in
the meantime, you might get a notification of post being sent for
moderation, which I will do later..... I just can't open the list
right now)

Quoting Nicolas Spalinger (nicolas_spalinger@sil.org):
> Hi everyone,
> I think this will be of interest to the Debian maintainers on this list.
> The Open Font License 1.1 is now released.

What do the debian-legal people think about it?

I have not followed discussions closely but the very few I have seen
showed at least some debate.

I guess that we now should know whether OFL licensed material would be
considered as DFSG compliant or not. That will definitely determine if
we, Debian font packages maintainers, encourage font authors to adopt
OFL or not.

PS: please note that Nicolas Spalinger has proposed a talk about OFL
at Debconf7.

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