On Mon, 26 Feb 2007 08:05:22 +1100 Andrew Donnellan wrote: > On 2/26/07, Francesco Poli <frx@firenze.linux.it> wrote: > > Hi all! > > > > In a recent message[1] to the cc-licenses list, a new draft of > > CC-v3.0 licenses was announced. The message included one document > > as attachment: BY-SA v 3 (020907) (US).pdf > > > > [1] > > http://lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/cc-licenses/2007-February/005013.html > <snip> > > Are there any differences between this draft and CC3.0 Final? I've just been told (both privately and on cc-licenses) that the final texts are out. I didn't know that while I was wasting my time on an already obsolete draft, since no announcement had been sent to the cc-licenses list. :-| I still have to read the final text (I am not so fast!): hence I don't know whether there are differences with respect to the draft I analyzed (but I've been told that there are). I hope I will soon find the time to review CC-by-sa-v3.0 (final)... -- http://frx.netsons.org/progs/scripts/refresh-pubring.html Need to refresh your keyring in a piecewise fashion? ..................................................... Francesco Poli . GnuPG key fpr == C979 F34B 27CE 5CD8 DC12 31B5 78F4 279B DD6D FCF4
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