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Re: kaid license non-free?

Andrew Donnellan wrote:
> On 12/21/05, Henning Makholm <henning@makholm.net> wrote:
>>Scripsit Cameron Dale <camrdale@gmail.com>
>>>*   Any form of redistribution which connects to the published Team XLink
>>>Orbital Server list resource, for Orbital Server aquisition, or otherwise,
>>>or which interoperates with any existing software used by other member(s)
>>>of the XLink Kai: Evolution VII service, must be provided to end users at
>>>no cost, and may not contain advertising information of any sort, aside
>>>from one permitted link in an "About" dialog window which is not displayed
>>>unless the user explicitly directs the software to display it.
>>This is a non-free condition. It must be possible to sell copies of
>>Debian packages.
> It only causes problems when you are connecting to the XLink Kai:
> Evolution VII service, but I assume that the main point of the
> software is to connect to that service, so unless someone else starts
> up an alternative server, for pratical reasons, it's non-free.

Actually, the last part of the clause is far broader than that: "or
which interoperates with any existing software used by other member(s)
of the XLink Kai: Evolution VII service" needs no stretch of
interpretation to apply to almost any modified version.  As for the rest
of it, restrictions on what you can connect to a particular service
should be in the terms of use for that service, not in a software license.

- Josh Triplett

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