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License of coq documentation

Dear debian-legal,

[Please keep Hugo and I in CC, we're not subscribed to the list]

I have two questions for you.

1. Coq upstream has agreed to put a license on the documentation
(reproduced at the end of the mail). This would close #294865. Since it
was not written by a lawyer, upstream has asked me if I could get
comments on it. So I'd be glad if you could tell me if you see any
obvious flaw in it. Of course, I don't expect it to be DFSG-free.

2. The coq tarball contains LGPL and GPL files (which are both linked
together when building coq). I've always thought that if I extract an
LGPL file from the tarball then I can use it as LGPL. However upstream
has told me that he was told that it was not the case (all files in the
tarball should should be considered as GPL, because they were
distributed with GPL files, thus being part of the sources of a GPL
program). Who's right?

Thanks very much.



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