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Re: RES: Where to put Open Transport Tycoon (openttd)

On 5/17/05, Humberto Massa Guimarães <humberto.massa@almg.gov.br> wrote:
> * personal attacks: yeah, this was the low point of this thread, and
>   I think both Raul and Michael should moderate themselves...
>   myself, if I exceeded any courtesy boundaries, I apologize;

Look, moderation is great when the other guy is making a reasonably
conscientious effort to play thesis-antithesis-synthesis and come out
the other side with a little bit more truth than when we went in.  But
have you been paying attention to Raul's debating tactics?  It is
getting ever more obvious that he has no intention of fairly quoting
anyone -- me, an appellate decision, a legal commentator -- if he can
muddy the waters by misquoting them.

Up until a day or two ago I could chalk that up to difficulty with
reading comprehension, but the whole business with citing Sun v.
Microsoft as proof that some courts skip contract analysis, and then
refusing to acknowledge that he was citing the summary of the district
court's erroneous decision -- it's just too much.  Not to mention
replying to my "courts are likely to construe 'derivative work'
narrowly on the licensee's request" as if I had said "courts are
likely to construe the license narrowly and thus find the licensee's
conduct to be outside it", which is OBVIOUSLY not what I was saying. 
There's a point at which it crosses over from incompetence to malice,
and I think he's well past it.

My residual obligation of moderation is to the other readers of my
screeds, who still don't particularly need their inboxes polluted with
language much stronger than "bullshit".  For what it's worth, where I
come from, accusing someone of bullshitting is a lot milder than
calling him a liar.

- Michael

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