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Re: cl-typesetting license

Ingo Ruhnke <grumbel@gmx.de> wrote:
> Sound free to me, since not the output of the library is required to
> confirm to it, but the interface which generates the input for the
> library. So to me it looks basically just like something like GPLs 2c
> section applied to the web.

I think there's a similar provision on Affero GPL, but some of the
details on that aren't worked out (like using a postprocessor to
scrape the output page) and I don't remember our consensus (or lack).

Regardless, you're going to totally ignore the bit where I suggest
this one is contaminating other software?

My Opinion Only: see http://people.debian.org/~mjr/
Please follow http://www.uk.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct

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