Re: Bug#317359: kde: ..3'rd "Help"->"About $KDE-app" tab calls the GPL "License Agreement", ie; a contract.
On Friday 08 July 2005 04:08 am, Riku Voipio wrote:
> package kde
> severity 317359 wishlist
> thanks
> > ...summarian conclusion: Just remove "Agreement" from those tabs, leave
> > "License" on them. ;o)
> >
> > ...subject 'n justification tells the story, further discussion can be
> > found on Groklaw and likely d-legal too, the GPL is a license because it
> > gives a permission to do something, such as distribution, on a certain
> > condition, "also distribute the source."
> I'm sorry, but I find you hard to follow. I find your ideas very
> far-fetched. Unless the debian-legal crowd agrees that having GPL
> on a tab called "License agreement" is serious bug, I plan to close
> this bug soon.
The debian-legal crowd is of several opinions. My own, shared by some on the
list, is that the GPL contains certain warranty waiver provisions that cannot
be done in a pure license... which means there must be a contract and it
must be agreed to (in the GPL's case, it is agreed to by conduct). Others on
this list take a different view, but fail to explain how they avoid the
warranty stuff.
So calling the GPL a "License Agreement" strikes me as the correct and honest
Sean Kellogg
3rd Year - University of Washington School of Law
Graduate & Professional Student Senate Treasurer
UW Service & Activities Committee Interim Chair
c: 206.498.8207 e:
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...Jump in
...Oh well, what you waiting for?'s all right
...'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown
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