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Re: Is phpGrabComics legal?

On Sat, Jan 22, 2005 at 01:50:58PM +0000, Andres Baravalle wrote:
> I suppose that it would mean excluding *all* the syndicated comics
> (dilbert, calvin and hobbes etc.).  They cover 2/3 of the comics. 
> They will not give me an explicit permission, but I'd like to know if
> I'm doing anything wrong from a legal point of view.

If you've asked some of the copyright holders if you're doing anything
wrong, I think you can rely on them telling you if you are.  Lack of
answer isn't any kind of blanket permission, but would show due dilligence
(if the matter came up, later, and if you can prove that you asked).

On the other hand, if anyone flames you, and they hold copyright on
any web comic, it would probably be a good idea to make it trivial
for your users to not view those comics.  As in: make this the default
behavior of your system.  And, while it will be possible for the users
to reconfigure (or even rewrite) your code, if you leave a reference
to the flames where someone undertaking that kind of change is likely
to see it, they'll be able to make an informed choice about the issue
(which puts a significant element of responsibility on their shoulders).

On a more positive note, stuff posted on the web is intended to be
viewed by a wide number of people, which means that copies can be made.
And it's already been established in court (for VCRs) that it's legal
to use recording equipment to allow people to view copyrighted material
at a time convenient for them.

I believe that as long as you're acting fairly that you'll not wind up
in any trouble.

Good luck,


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