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Re: GPL-licensed packages with depend-chain to OpenSSL

On Sun, Sep 12, 2004 at 04:54:00PM +0200, Claus Färber wrote:
> They don't share a common ABI for other programs.

This isn't interesting.  Either a work is normally distributed as part
of the system, or it's not; multiple implementations of an ABI don't
affect that.

You repeatedly ignore the important question, though.

> That doesn't matter, though.  Debian is never eligible to use the "operating
> system" exception, due to "unless that component itself accompanies the executable".

> How is the relevant?  The GPL OS exception, again, is not available
> to Debian.

Since you won't say how it's relevant, I'm assuming it's irrelevant and
won't waste further time with this subthread.

Glenn Maynard

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