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Re: GPL-compatible, copyleft documentation license

On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Evan Prodromou wrote:
> Actually, I think the freedom to make modifications that the
> upstream author doesn't like or approve is a pretty key freedom.
> I'm also confused by the moral rights issue. Under a moral rights
> regime, does an author have the right to have any reference to
> themselves removed from works?

Just a moderate aside here, any free license should allow for
modifications that any author doesn't like or approve of.

It may be necessary for the license to indicate that in some
jurisdictions with moral rights, it may not be possible for such
modifications to be made, but the license itself should not restrict
that ability in jurisdictions without moral rights. [Nor should it
restrict it in jurisdictions that go from having moral rights to not
having them, if such a thing ever happens.]

Don Armstrong

You could say she lived on the edge... Well, maybe not exactly on the edge,
just close enough to watch other people fall off.
  -- hugh macleod http://www.gapingvoid.com/batch8.htm


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